Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

6 things i treasure most in my life....

HELLOOOOO....i want to ask you what treasure most in you life???i think many treasure in your life rights???i also have treasure in my life...don't laught at me if i tell you what i treasure most in my life...

the treasure most important in my life is handphone because i buy this handphone when i get the frist salary 2 years ago...i'm very happy because i can buy with my own money...even if this handphone cheap but i appreaciate that...the second treasure most in my life is all my book because i can read went i boring and can increase my knowlegde...Sometimes people throw the book until thy finish read the accesories also treasure in my life because all my accesories i buy with my own money thats way i keep very well...My accesories like a rings,hair clips and another else...

My cloth also my treasure most because have my mother buy and have i buy with my own self...same my cloth my make-up also my treasure because it can make i beautiful when i use make-up like a lipstic,compact powder and another else...i keep this very weel...finally the treasure most is my motorcycle but i not ride go to college because my mother scare if i accident...this all my treasure most in my life...i hope i can still keep very well.....

what do i think about blogs????

haiiiiiii...see you again in my blog...Firstly i want to thank you for my english lecturer Puan Subashini Annamalai because she teach me how to create a blogs...before this i don't know how to create a blog and for what create a i know for what we create a blogs..

i think the blogs very interesting because we can write everything happen in our life everyday like a blogs i can put picture or i can add my blogs i can improve my english and anybody can comment it make i want to create more stories in my blogs...before this nobody can comment my english but now my lecturer or my friends can comment anything about my blogs...i'm very happy because i have my own blogs...i also can read all my friends blogs..i can comment in my friends blog like they comment at my my blogs i can put a songs,my friends picture or anything else that i want put in my blogs...

Actually blogs very interesting ...finally i hope i can create more interesting stories in my blogs....

how to make our English class interesting??

HELLOOOO EVERYONE....i think english class very interesting and fun with sweetie lecturer Puan Subashini Annamalai because her class always fun and not boring...she always do a game for her students...Sometimes she do a game and give a present to the winner group...

She always speak in english with her students because she want her students learn and talking in english with her..From semester one i never seen her angry thats way her face look young everyday...hehe..i think english class now very interesting..i'm very happy in english class if want english class interesting sometimes students can talking in front about topics that we learn..maybe from there we can improve the english and throw the shy feeling..I think english class very interesting and i hope english class will interesting and fun untill we all finish study at college...

DO WE NEED EXAMINATION?WHY?? are you today?i hope everything fine...i have a topic to share with you all...The topic is do we need the examination?you think yes or no?i think all people must take the examinations because from there we can know wich levels we are...

Examinations actually not only for students sometimes it for to ascend the rank..for students examinations very important because it can make we succefulin life and can get a good job after finish the study..we need examinations because we can know what we can get A,B,C,D or fail if no exam we don't know what can we get right?for now and for future if we fail in examinations our life must hard because now too much people get degree but no job so you think if we fail in examinations we also hard to get a job....We need examinations because it can make we study hard for future...if no exam we must no do a exersice or read the book...I think and i know they all think same like me that in life we must need examinations for get a good future...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 aim for SPA 203...

haiiiii............see you again in my i want to tell you all about my aim for SPA 203...i have a target for english that i want to get A last semester but i have only get B...i'm very sad but for this semester i want to try my best for get A in SPA 203...

In english class i learn many things...sometimes i not understands the question thats way i write different that the question want it can make my marks little...last semester i think i can do it but i only get B...start from now,i want to study and it my best for english and i hope i can get english very important because all in english and i hope in english class i want to improve my english...i want to try my best in assigment,test or kuiz because i want my marks highest and i can get A...last semester went i know that i only get B,i really sad,dissappointed but i'm glade because i get B not fail...

So start from now i want totry my best to get A in english and i hope i can get it....

Monday, March 23, 2009 first day at the college...

My frist day at college is 14 July 2008...It is the first day because they do "Minggu Suai Kenal" at Bendang Man....we all go at Bendang Man about 2.00 there we all do many activities..From there i get many friend........we all sleep in the tent about 6 students....Every morning we all do aerobic and night we do a iced-breaking,acting,games and another else....

At first day in college we all devide in 2 group...First group is odd number and second group is even number....i'm in even number because my marix is in semester 1 have 2 class each class have 15 students....First class is 1A and my class s 1B...My class lecturer is Cik NurZahirah Bt. Mohd Ghazali....she also teach computer in my class...She very nice and always my class Wafi to be a leader and his assistant is Siti Rohana and ti be a teasurer to collect money for photostat or do anything in my class....i'm very happy because all my friend very friendly.....

At college have a rules all students must wear the matrix very different wiyh old scholl before because studentscan wear baju kurung,kebaya or slack......lastly i hope i can finish my study at Kulim Community College.....

a road accident i'seen or met

haiiii in buletins many story about accident...i see and i'm very scare if hear or seen about accident because i scare if i seen the blood it can make i always remember about that...

two years ago,i still remember that i seen a road that time,i and my parents want go to Kilang Lama....went we arrive at traffic light to Kilang Lama i see many people margin the road...i can see the motorcycle under the father go to give a help and i can see the victim serious....The car want go to Kilang Lama and the motorcycle want go to Kulim...i think the car fault because from what i'm hear is the traffic light to Kilang Lama is red but the car still want to go and finally the car attack the motorcycle...after 20 minutes,i see the police and ambulance come to take the victims go to hospital....

i see the motorcycle victim very serious because his leg broken and hs body full of blood....i'm very scare that way i still remember the i hope everyone can drive slowly and follow the road rules for our safety and everyone..... classmates...

haiiii......see you again in my blog...i think all of you have a classmates right?now i'm study at Kulim Community Collge and i also have classmates very friendly and hey very my class have thirhdteen students but in thirhdteen students only have two guys but i'ts ok because they also my classmates too...

I'm nery happy because i have friendly classmates...but the special in my classamates is have a twins...they are Siti Rohana and Siti Rohani...they always come together with their scooter..hehe.. in my class also have from Perak and Pulau Pinang..they rent at Taman Kenari with three friends from class classmates always do assigment or exersice together...sometimes we all out together if no assigment or exam...actually my classmates also funny...sometimes they do a joke..Actually two guys from my class also rent at Taman Kenari because they from Jawi,Pulau Pinang and Sungai classmates very caring if friend from my class have a problem...i'm very happy because i have classmates like they all...finally i hope we all succeful in life and still friend until finish study ok....

My Favourite Fruit...

In Malaysia have many any kind of local fruit but hte special about local fruit is they called king of fruit because her skin sharp and sometimes they do a tempoyak...the fruit is Durian..have many local fruit in Malaysia for example rambutan,manggo,papaya,langsat,manggosteen and another else...

Now imported fruit also can eat anytime because in Malaysia the farmer plant the fruit for example fruit is strawberry,grapes and another else...My favourite fruit is local fruit...i really like papaya and watermelon bacause the fruit very sweet and tasty if they cold...hehe...papaya have vitamin c aand good for my body...i like papaya and watermelon because i can get very easy if i want to eat...i can get my favourite fruit at pasar malam or fruit shop...papaya and watermelon have a bright colour because the watermelon is red and sometimes yellow and papaya like a orange colour but soft to eat...papaya and watermelon very easy to plant because they use the seed only...

sometimes i also like to eat another fruit because have many vitamin like A,B,C,D and E good for my eye,skin and my body and the most importand is the local fruit free from toxsin materials because it not good for our body...


HELLOOOOO......nice to meet you again...i think all of you at one time get the present from your birhday right?i'm also like you all at one time get hte present from my birhday...i think the best birhday i get is spangebob cake and a ring...

i get my birthday present last year...i'm very happy because i can wish my birthday with my friend...she buy me a spangebob cake because she know that i like spangebob cartoon...we celebrate at my parents not give the persent to me because i know they busy with their work but they give me a lot of love and i'm very appreciate that...untill now i still keep the present i get from my friend...i must appreciate wha they give to me..but the ring i still keep because the ring loose if i wear...hehe...i want to thanks to my friend and my parents because remember my birthday....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

my assigment i want to tell you all how to make a egg sandwiches...first to make a egg sandwiches you must prepare the ingredients.The ingredients to make egg sandwiches are breads,tomatoes,cucumber,some egg and pepper to give the flavour for your sandwiches.Secondly,to make a egg sandwiches,first you must boil the egg in pot about 20 minutes.You must make sure that the egg cooked.Thirdly after the egg cooked,you must peel the egg and put the egg into a bowl.You must put some salt and pepper to the egg give the flavour..Fourthly after you put salt and pepper in the egg,you slice the tomatoes and cucumber that you want to put in your sandwiches.After you slice the tomatoes and cucumber,you spread butter on you bread.It can make your sandwiches tasty and delicious.Then you put a slice tomatoes and cucumber on the bread then you put the egg on it.After that, you must cut the skin of bread to make your sandwiches look nice.Finally after you cut the margin you sandwiches for class party is ready...So i hope everyone can try my recipies ok...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

my class party

hai.....i want share to u all about my class party last week...i brought a fried friend brought a snek and another food..In the party we all enjoy it..we also invited the another lecturer in this party..Beside that we also gather into group with my lecturer Cik NurZahirah about our subject...She advice us to improve ourself because she want us to be a best student..My class party finish at 2pm..ok thats all about today..

Monday, February 9, 2009

hello... This is my first blog that I create at today... I hope I can get new exprience & can learn more about that from my sweetie teacher... hehehe