Monday, March 23, 2009

My Favourite Fruit...

In Malaysia have many any kind of local fruit but hte special about local fruit is they called king of fruit because her skin sharp and sometimes they do a tempoyak...the fruit is Durian..have many local fruit in Malaysia for example rambutan,manggo,papaya,langsat,manggosteen and another else...

Now imported fruit also can eat anytime because in Malaysia the farmer plant the fruit for example fruit is strawberry,grapes and another else...My favourite fruit is local fruit...i really like papaya and watermelon bacause the fruit very sweet and tasty if they cold...hehe...papaya have vitamin c aand good for my body...i like papaya and watermelon because i can get very easy if i want to eat...i can get my favourite fruit at pasar malam or fruit shop...papaya and watermelon have a bright colour because the watermelon is red and sometimes yellow and papaya like a orange colour but soft to eat...papaya and watermelon very easy to plant because they use the seed only...

sometimes i also like to eat another fruit because have many vitamin like A,B,C,D and E good for my eye,skin and my body and the most importand is the local fruit free from toxsin materials because it not good for our body...